About me

My background

I am a Computing Scholars Honors student at UT Dallas studying computer science. I will be graduating in May 2024. Currently, I’m a research assistant in the AI Safety Laboratory at UT Dallas working on LLM uncertainty estimation.

Some Of My Favorite Courses at UTD!

  • Machine Learning
  • Advanced Algorithms
  • Probability and Statistics in Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • Computer Networks
  • Systems Programming in UNIX Environments
  • Discrete Math I and II
  • Automata Theory

Tools I Use

  • Languages: Python, C/C++, Java, React Native, JavaScript, SQL, HTML/CSS, MIPS32, Bash, Verilog
  • Libraries: PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, Standard Template Library (C++)
  • Developer Tools: Git, Jupyter Notebooks, Google Firebase, Figma
  • Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX