Underrated/Rarely Discussed Productivity Strategies

By Keshav Santhanam
Last Updated: 5/26/2024


When we are more productive, we accomplish more in less time, meaning we can adjust our goals upward and stay ahead of deadlines. This has positive effects on goal-setting and stress management.

Listed below are some productivity strategies with an emphasis on ones I feel are rarely discussed or surprisingly effective. I have done many but not all of these.

My general theory of short-term decision making is based on friction. Individuals usually set long-term goals just fine, but we divert from them when it is convenient to pursue more rewarding short-term goals, even if we know we shouldn’t. That’s why these strategies all broadly increase executive functioning (i.e. napping) or make it harder to make bad short-term decisions (i.e. blocking).

Do I need to use these techniques?

No. I find the ones I have used useful and that’s due to who I am as an individual (easily distracted, avoids low-stimulation activities, bad at managing the time I fall sleep (relevant for the napping advice)). Nevertheless, I’m sure at least a few of these are broadly useful.

⚠️⚠️Specific strategies/implementations I have not done myself are marked with a ⚠️ symbol

🚩🚩Specific strategies/implementations I am skeptical of are marked with a 🚩 symbol

Ordered most to least helpful by my estimations…

“Napping” (or, alternatively, napping)

  • “Napping” = lying down in bed with my eyes closed and lights off as if sleeping but usually for too short of a time to sleep (I can take a while)
    • In my experience, this has a >50% chance of improving my short-term (next 30 min to 2 hrs) performance, including when sleep deprived
    • Aim to rest longer when more sleep deprived
    • My current theory is that the best strategy is short naps very frequently (i.e. 3 min every hour), but this does require more self-discipline and hasn’t been tested much by me or anyone else I know of
  • Comfortable lengths: very individual-dependent (but for me… 3-25 min, 40-60 min)
  • NOTE: health risks
    • All sources I have seen have not controlled for other variables; also, the action of napping without sleeping is similar physiologically to meditation, which is well-practiced and does not seem to have adverse physical health risks. it seems like the main takeaway is that if you have chronic fatigue, napping is not a cure. here are some examples of the correlation of napping with negative health risks if you care:

Changes to your phone

  • Blocking (much easier to do on Android, doable on iOS with the help of iOS parental controls (I don’t know much about iOS options otherwise))
    • Soft blocking = increasing the friction to navigate to distractions while not making it impossible
      • AppLock [Android]
        • locks apps with passwords (making them longer makes this more effective)
        • Preferred
        • Also great
      • Auto App Off [Android]
        • closes apps after a certain amount of time
        • very powerful when used with AppLock
        • Link
      • Placing a phone out of reach/in another room
    • ⚠️Hard blocking = fully (or close enough to fully) preventing you from navigating to distractions
      • (Android) Google Family Link
        • Can block sites, apps, and more
        • Can be implemented by having a friend hold onto the master password
      • Lockbox
        • Physically removing yourself from your phone for a period of time (timed lockboxes available on Amazon - choose one that is difficult to break)
    • Replacing social media/web browsing with another form of the same information
      • RSS Feeds
        • Use RSS readers to read your favorite blog content to help replace/mitigate social media usage (the idea is to gradually shift towards longer-form content) - This strategy works best if you have a large overlap between favorite bloggers and favorite Twitter users, for example
        • I suggest feeder.co (browser) and Feeder (Android)
  • ⚠️Do not disturb/limiting notifications
    • I like to respond quickly, so I have not tried this method.
  • Grayscale
    • Supposed to make using your phone (especially consuming media) worse but still accessible
    • would probably work better if I could lock it (maybe using a physical screen filter or Family-Link-like tool)

Task-based alarm clock

  • use alarm app that forces you to perform a given task to dismiss it
  • this can prevent oversleeping (especially for naps (see above))
  • for me, the best part is preventing you from lying in bed excessively after waking (i strongly prefer the task of “scanning a barcode/QR code” for this reason)
  • apps: Alarmy [Android + iOS], I Can’t Wake Up! [Android] (allows multiple barcodes in free version), etc.

Melatonin as a way to sleep (not nap) earlier than usual (without relying on lots of self-discipline)

  • 🚩melatonin 0.5-1 hr before desired sleep time
  • Begin dosing at <0.5 mg. May cause excess drowsiness in some people (myself included) the following day, especially during naps.


I don’t have much experience with most of these, so take it for what it’s worth. I recommend trying the lowest-effort strategies first since they may have a higher ROI (since the “I” is smaller in the “ROI”).

Tags: productivity
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